MEET Linda
Linda Yraceburu, (b. 1960, Rom) grew up nomadic, the middle child of a Navy family, and began her early photography training in 1967 as a Girl Scout Brownie project. Her most recent endeavor, Earth Guardian, has brought Linda to over 300 sacred sites dispersed throughout U.S. states where she has taken thousands of landscapes, and collected hundreds of pilgrims as family, all in the pursuit of one goal: diktashoon… to see what our Earth Mother would have us know.
Photographs have been documented on everything from a traditional film camera to contemporary digital imagry. Linda has always favored Nikon as her camera of choice. Once they are accessed, the only manipulation that takes place is some cropping and occasional color balancing. The craftsmanship of each image is a time-honored process that, in keeping with her spiritual preparation, honors the traditional artisanship of diktashoon.
Earth Guardian
Earth Guardian is a collection that spans 30 years dedicated to documenting the Yraceburu Family Pilgrimages to nurture the spirit of ancient places of power. Linda’s prayer is that this creative, consciousness-shifting piece will be received as an experience of relationship with the Earth Mother’s beautiful spirit.