"Moving, transforming, imbued with power and presence. Lynda creates a bridge between the worlds that we are all invited to cross."
– Alberto Villoldo, author of Shaman, Healer, Sage –
"Lynda's photographs are inspiring , with an eye to beauty. And I mean the Navaho idea of beauty as balance, harmony, and in doing this they reveal the spirits behind this world. Thank you for shariing your vision with me. "
– Chardi Christian, Australian Storyteller & Healer –
"I personally feel it is beautiful, mystical, and very inspiring. I We have used it on planetlightworker.com "
"I'd have to suggest to those looking for the first time to take time to uncover each beautiful layer and find your truth in the Spirit."
– Rain Woman, mystic –
"A glimpse inside the ocean of love & mercy."
– Arielle Ford, author, agent visionary –
"When Spirit shows itself in a photo cross culture is exposed to those who come in contact with the photo. This kind of exposure is an enormous compliment to the person who shot the photo. It says, quite clearly that Lynda's art transcends the norm dimensionally and is trusted enough by Spirit to be a Steward for dimensional awareness. Spend time with each photo, gaze into the beauty, and allow time for each level of awareness to become available to you as the enfoldment occurs. A rare and wondourous experience."
– Beatrex Quntanna, author, psychic, retired art dealer –
" Lynda's work is breathtaking! It is truly Art as Prayer awakening theancient call to nature."
– Dr. Sharron Stroud, author, founder New Thought Movement Innerfaith Ministries –